Happiness & Birthdays

Umm…how is it already March 1st?! I thought last year went by fast and now 2012 seems to be going by even quicker!

So I’ve been reading the book The Happiness Project (which I highly recommend) and have been so encouraged and inspired by it. The author dedicates a year to her happiness project where she focuses on making new resolutions and the time in her life for things that really matter to her and bring her joy. Before the project, the author was struggling with her busy schedule and was constantly feeling guilty about not keeping up with her commitments and the things she really wanted to.

I can totally relate. I love reading blogs and being inspired by others. Like, really love it. Pinterest has only intensified this love. Anyways, I’ve tried to start this blog a couple times and have totally not followed through. Why not? I don’t know. I think I got busy with work and life and then put something off that I actually wanted to do (kinda like my friend who wrote the Happiness Project). I definitely think about things to blog about all the time. I just need to do it. So here I am (again). Making a resolution to blog at least a couple times a week and hopefully this will encourage me to continue to make time to do the things that I really enjoy – like being creative!

Now on to birthdays! My husband’s birthday is on the 19th of February and his mom’s bday is the day before so we did lots of celebrating that weekend.

On Saturday we had my mother-in-law over and surprised her with flowers (that I put together from the flower mart! Why don’t I go there more often?!), a happy birthday banner, a yummy dinner of scallops and quinoa pilaf, and funfetti cake! After dinner, we took her to see Beach Blanket Babylon (another surprise) which was SUCH a fun show!

Before getting told we weren’t supposed to take pictures. Whoops!

To celebrate Troy’s birthday, we started the day off with a yummy breakfast of banana nutella crepes that I made (first time making crepes so I was pretty pleased with how they turned out), and then went to Mill valley for lunch and hiking.A friend of ours recommended this trail by the Mountain Home Inn in Mill Valley. The original plan was to hike first and have lunch after, but we got stuck in some traffic on the way there since the Bay Bridge was closed down that day making the Golden Gate the only route, so we had lunch first before doing the hike. The  restaurant at the Inn had great food and an outdoor deck with AMAZING views of the city and bay! The hike was perfect and after sitting in a bit of traffic to go home, we ended the night with a lovely Thai dinner that reminded us of our recent honeymoon. Such a fun weekend and such a perfect day 🙂